

Turmeric Ginger Quick Elixir

Overnight Immune-Boosting Infusion for Seasonal Ailment Defense

Turmeric ~ Ginger ~ Lemon ~ Protection

Servings: 4

What You Need

  • 200ml GEM&BOLT (4x 50ml Minis or 1x 200ml Flask)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh turmeric, grated
  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, grated
  • 3-4 lemon rind ribbons (peels)
  • 1 standard glass jar with lid


  1. Fill jar with raw ingredients & GEM&BOLT. Seal with lid.
  2. Place jar in a cool, dry place overnight, or up to three days. (Note: longer infusion time = more potent elixir.)
  3. Strain & sip on its own, over ice, or in place of bitters to flavor sparkling water (3-4 drops or to taste).
  4. VIVA!