GEM&BOLT co-founder Adrina Drina swears by these relaxing rituals to prepare the body for a deep, restful and expansive sleep.
- Salt Bath: Draw a warm bath, then add a few cups of sea salt and a few drops of essential oil – my current go tos are geranium, rose and cardamom. Cover your entire body with honey (including your lady and boy parts) & face, then climb in!
- BODY OIL: When my skin is still soft & supple, I cover myself from head to toe with 100% pure oil of some sort. I collect local hand-pressed oils during my travels for this very purpose. Currently, I am using a vibrant wild apricot oil from Rajastan, India.
- Nettles + Dandelion Root: I love the bitter earthiness they offer when seeped as tea. They say Nettles cleans the blood & Dandelion purifies the kidneys.
- Mugwort: I either sleep with a dream pillow full of dry mugwort herb or I rub the essential oil on my temples & third eye. Mugwort has long been used by medicine people to help cleanse the psyche during sleep.
- Books: I like to rest my eyes & listen to a good audio book before floating into the dreamworld. These days I am listening to “Life On Air” by David Attenborough.
- CBD Oil: One of my favorite pre-bed rituals to quiet the mind + deepen sleep.