

Hoja de Naranjo “Well Rested” Herbal Infusion

Will Sip For Sweet Dreams

Citrusy ~ Calming

Did You Know?

Hoja de Naranjo is the leaf of the orange tree, which has been used for centuries in the medicinal plant realm as a mild sedative to aid sleep, alleviate cough, calm nerves and promote digestive health.

What You Need

  • GEM&BOLT 200ml Bottle
  • 1/2 cup hoja de Naranjo (or orange tree leaes), fresh or dried
  • 1 large glass jar or container with lid


  1. Fill a large jar, glass jug or container with hoja de naranjo & GEM&BOLT. Seal with lid.
  2. Store in a dark, cool place for three days, or up to two weeks depending on strength desired. (Note: longer infusion time = more potent elixir.)
  3. Strain & return to glass bottle for ongoing storage.
    Sip on its own, over ice, or by the droplet in sparkling water or cocktails.
  4. Salud!